Health Initiative Against Obesity in San Miguel de Allende

On World Obesity Day, Guanajuato's Health Secretary announced a plan to tackle obesity, focusing on nutritional programs and preventive measures in several municipalities including San Miguel de Allende.

Health Initiative Against Obesity in San Miguel de Allende

In Guanajuato, World Obesity Day highlights the importance of reinforcing prevention and treatment measures, as 80.6% of those affected by this disease in the region are women, compared to 19.4% men. Obesity is characterized by excess body fat, which increases the risk of diseases such as diabetes, fatty liver, hypertension, and insulin resistance.

The Health Secretariat of Guanajuato has announced a strategy aimed at strengthening the attention and prevention of obesity in the municipalities of the northeast of the state. The Secretary of Health, Gabriel Cortés Alcalá, mentioned that this initiative includes actions in San Miguel de Allende, San José Iturbide, Doctor Mora, San Luis de la Paz, Xichú, Atarjea, Victoria, Tierra Blanca, and Santa Catarina, through the PASIA Nutrition Program.

During the year 2024, 16,508 interventions focused on obesity control were carried out, with special attention to children, adolescents, and training mothers to improve nutrition in their homes. San Miguel de Allende leads these actions with 5,710 interventions performed.

For the next year, the Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases Program is set to address 4,261 people with obesity in the involved municipalities. The importance of the maternal-fetal nutritional environment in the development of obesity is highlighted, as nutrition during pregnancy can influence the baby's metabolism and increase the risk of overweight in childhood and adulthood.

The Sanitary Jurisdiction II has strengthened the PASIA Nutrition and Cardiometabolic Diseases programs, which include nutritional surveillance in children and adolescents, detection and follow-up of people with overweight and obesity, mutual aid groups for the metabolic control of patients with chronic diseases, obesity prevention workshops, nutritional counseling for adults with obesity, and physical activity activities as part of the comprehensive prevention and control strategy.

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